Jewelry Laser Welding Machine Supplier

Jewelry Laser Welder for Gold/Silver/Platinum

More Details of Jewelry Laser Welding Machine

The jewelry laser welding machine is used to weld metals such as gold, silver, titanium, high strength steel, platinum, aluminium etc. The jewelry laser welder performs a non-contact welding process whereby light energy is used to weld metals to themselves.

The jewelry laser welding machine is not only used to repair broken jewelry pieces, but also used to create unique and expensive jewelry items. The laser welders used in jewelry making and repair, automotive industry, dental reconstruction industry.

The LCD screen allows users to control and monitor the entire welding process. The inbuilt microscope makes it easy for operators to maneuver when welding.

We are a jewelry laser welding machine supplier that provides high quality laser welders for smooth and excellent welding results.

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    Features of Jewelry Laser Welding Machine


    Laser welding has fast speed, large depth, precise positioning, and small material deformation


    It can weld refractory materials such as titanium, quartz, etc., and can weld heterogeneous materials with good results.


    Micro welding is possible. It can be used in the assembly welding of micro and small workpieces in mass automated production.

    Details of Jewelry Laser Welding Machine


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